Just the facts Baby! (By The Numbers)

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Just the facts Baby! (By The Numbers).

The airwaves are a hub of over-activity warning of the impending U.S. Presidential dogfight to occur a few short months away.

Depending on the moment, the continuing Covid19 story is first or second in viewership on the overindulged inundate list. Or to put this more succinctly, the message is: “how can the political finagling and media sources promote maximum fear to the masses in an effort to shift the popular vote?”

Not to be outdone are the U.S. stock markets that seemingly are defying all logic and rising to new unheard-of levels in this generation. The comparisons to a century ago where all hell broke loose is certainly terrifying in and of itself. Factor in the two major headline stories and it’s hard not to want to add a little extra something to one’s coffee.

With this in mind I am turning to the discussion over to my professional associate Richard Croft, Chief Investment Officer of Croft Financial Group, that published a timely article entitled; By The Numbers. It’s a bit of a lengthy read (8 pages) but well worth your time invested.

To go directly to the article, click on the arrow in the title or copy the link below and paste to your browser.

Enjoy your last summer long weekend of 2020.

One last comment for the wee bit of Irish in all of us:

  • “Don’t resent growing old. Many are denied the privilege”
